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This drawing is signed by Russell G. Howard, A.I.A.*, Registered Architect, Dubois, PA. (*American Institute of Architects)
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Go Bobcats!
Unique Visits
Always Remember...
Old Friends
How nice it is to visit friends you haven't seen for years
They don't look quite the same and yet, old friendships reappear.
There's first the shock of seeing that, they've aged much more than you
And then the quick suspicion that you've been aging too!
You sit and talk about the past and laugh at old-time jokes.
And find out what has happened to some long "lost-track-of" folks.
And very soon the years between just seem to disappear
And all of you are young and gay as in that yesteryear.
Yes, it is nice to visit friends - Old friends - those that last.
They bring a joy that only comes with friends out of your past.